There’s no point spending hours choosing your swimwear, beach bag and flip-flops if you barely think about the bugs and other health risks that could ruin your holiday.
Almost one in four UK holidaymakers don’t get any vaccinations despite travelling to areas that have life-threatening infectious disease.
Find out which travel jabs you need for your destination.
It’s not worth skipping travel vaccinations. Infectious diseases can make you very sick, spoil your holiday and even kill or cripple you.
Vaccinations protect you against many travel-related infections, such as yellow fever, typhoid and hepatitis A. Use the information on these pages to learn about travel vaccines, which ones you need for your destination, and when and where to get them.
For additional general information, read our articles on travel health.
What’s available on the NHS?
Some travel vaccinations are freely available on the NHS. Others are only available privately.
More on NHS and private travel jabs
When and where
You must complete a travel form for each memebr of the family and hand this in no later than 8 weeks before you travel. The form can be donloaded from the Surgery Form section of the website or collected in person from the practice.