Meet the Team

Meet Our Partner GPs

Dr Diane E Kinniburgh (Female)

MBChB (Dundee) 1989, DRCOG, MRCGP

Dr Eleanor R Gunn (Female)

MBChB (Glasgow) 2000, DRCOG, MRCGP

Dr Sarah McCready (Female)

MBChB (Glasgow) 2000, DRCOG, MRCGP, DFFP

Dr Sharon Turner (Female)

MBChB (Glasgow) 1994, DRCOG, MRCGP 

Dr Hannah Graham (Female)

MBChB (Glasgow) 2015, BSc, MRCGP

Dr Ayodeji Oladele (Male)

MBChB (Nigeria) 2015, MRCGP 

Meet Our Clinical Team

Lesley Mitchell (Female)

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Laura Gardiner (Female)

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Fiona Burt (Female)

Physician Associate

Practice Nurses

We have three Nurses and a Health Care Assistant within the Practice who make a highly skilled nursing team.

Margo Dungavel – Nurse Practitioner/Practice Nurse
Joanne O’Brien – Practice Nurse
Ashley Milrine – Practice Nurse
Stephanie Dunn – Health Care Assistant

General Practice Clinical Pharmacist

Meet Our Practice Team

Mrs Laura Mather  
Practice Manager 

Miss Stephanie Hogg
Assistant Practice Manager

Meet Our Admin Team

Complaints Coordinators
Carol Shearer
Sharon Falconer

Admin Support
Shona, Senga, Joanne, Carol S, Tara, Sharon, Elaine, Kim, Carol E, Lynne & Pauline

Each member of staff carries out their duties in accordance with instructions and guidance issued by the Partnership.